Olbia Flights

Nonstop Olbia flights are provided from a number of European countries which include;

Austria Belgium
Czech Republic Germany
Italy Latvia
Norway Sweden
United Kingdom  

The map below indicates at a glance whether there are any available direct connections with the country are looking to travel to Sardinia from.

No luck with direct flights?

There's still hope yet…

The next option is to search for flights with connections.

A quick and easy way to see all the options available, is to use the search box below.

Type in your requirements and all will be revealed. A listing of all companies that offer flight connections to Olbia complete with how many stops, in which location and of course how much it will cost.

If you have no other alternative to flying in to Olbia from your departure location without one stop flights or connections and are looking for a cheaper solution,

The do take in to consideration the Italian airports for connections.

The first one to check is the Milan Malpensa,

Although there are three companies that offer this route Easyjet does seem to be the company that has the lowest price, then check out what is available from your departure location to the Italian airport of Milan Malpensa (MXP).

Sardegna Via

entrance to departures at cagliari airport
Cheap Rome

view of rome fiumicino airport

Here are a few more Olbia Italy Flights provided by Meridiana,

  • Rome Fiumicino to Olbia
  • Milan Bergamo to Olbia
  • Milan Linnate to Olbia

Another route to check out is Olbia – Pisa, prices do seem to be quite reasonable, but it seems that this route is mainly available in the summer season, worth a check all the same.

For those of you flying from the UK EasyJet has a new route from London Luton airport to Olbia. It will be operating twice a week, on Wednesday's and Saturday's.

The starting prices are pretty low but bear in mind it is January and the prices I have looked at are for May.

Basically book early.

Olbia Costa Smeralda Airport (OLB)

Flights To Olbia
Image courtesy of Olbia Costa Smeralda Airport

sardinia airports olbia costa smeralda


sign post on top of olbia airport

I have flown with Easyjet many times before and touch wood everything has just gone smoothly.

I'm pretty excited about this new route because I have never had the opportunity to fly out of Olbia and no doubt will be using it myself this summer.

More Sardinia Flights Information :

Flights to
entrance to departures at cagliari airport
Flights to Cagliari

view of the cagliari airport grounds from departures
Flights to Alghero

airplane parked at the alghero sardinia airport

Cagliari Flights

view of manchester uk airport at night
UK to
Sardinia Flights

front view of heathrows terminal 2
Sardinia Via
Rome Airports

airplane parket in rome fiumicino airport

› Olbia Flights

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