Corsica Sardinia Ferry

Corsica Sardinia Ferry Options:

You have a choice of two ferry routes between Sardinia and Corsica

  • Ajaccio – Porto Torres
  • Bonifacio – Santa Teresa

If you would like to contact Ok Ferry about bookings, modifications or cancellations please use the contact form.

Ajaccio – Porto Torres

This ferry route is available mainly in the summer season where you will find it sails once at the most twice a week.

The journey take about 4 hours and from what I have seen while checking out quotes for prices, I would say that it wasn’t a cheap solution for travelling between the Islands (that’s for my pocket anyway!)

Boniface – Santa Teresa

This ferry route on the other hand is a lot shorter about 1 hour in all. During the summer up to 4 ferry crossings a day are offered.

This gives you much more flexibility.

In addition is make is possible even for day visits to the Island.

The first ferry leaves Corsica at 8.00am and the last return journey to Corsica leaves Sardinia at 18.30pm.

And the prices seem to be a lot cheaper.

Just to give you an example. I tested out the quotes for both ferry crossing from Corsica with the exact same details even day, 2 adults, 2 children and a car up to 4.00 meters and came up with that using the Boniface –Santa Teresa crossing I would save myself €155.00.

But what if you’re in the North of Corsica and wanting to visit the West coast of Sardinia?

You are going to have to see what extra travelling expenses you will incur on both Islands to reach the ports.

Here are a few details that may help you calculate these travel expenses.

The distance between the port of Ajaccio and the port of Boniface in Corsica is 125 km, about a two hour drive.

The distance between the port of Santa Teresa and Porto Torres is 100km about an hour and three quarter drive.

Corsica Sardegna Ferries
ferry in the docks in corsica

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